PNB KYC: If you are also a customer of Punjab National Bank, then this news is very useful for you. Let us tell you that the bank has issued a big alert for PNB customers, in which if you do not do this work related to the bank by August 12, then your account will be completely closed. Let us know in detail about this update issued for PNB customers in the news.
Khabar TV (Bureau) – State Bank or SBI is the biggest bank in the public sector (SBI Latest news). After this comes PNB. It has more than 19 crore account holders (latest bank news).
The sword of account closure is hanging over the heads of more than three lakh customers of this bank. About three and a quarter lakh accounts of PNB may become unoperative.
These account holders have not yet done their KYC (Punjab National Bank). Such account holders have been given time till 12th August. After this, they will not be able to withdraw money from their account.
If they want to avoid such a situation, then they will have to get KYC (PNB KYC) done soon. Here we are telling you (Method of getting KYC done) the method of getting KYC done.

The sword of Damocles hangs over 3.25 lakh PNB customers
You must be knowing the government sector Punjab National Bank. If you have an account in this bank then be careful. About three and a quarter lakh account holders of this bank have not yet updated their KYC. Such account holders have been given time till 12 August 2024. If they do not do so by the said date, then the operation in their account can be stopped.
What is the issue
As per the guidelines of the banking sector regulator Reserve Bank of India (RBI), all banks are getting their account holders to update their Know Your Customer or KYC.
If a customer does not update his KYC, the bank can stop operations in that account. There are still about 3.25 lakh account holders in PNB who had not updated their KYC till 31 March this year. The bank has asked them to update their KYC soon (Method of getting KYC done).
How long have you got the time
Punjab National Bank (Punjab National Bank Latest news) has asked its customers to update their Know Your Customer (KYC) information by 12.08.2024. This is so that the functioning of their accounts can be done smoothly as before.
The bank says that this instruction is applicable only to those customers whose accounts had KYC update pending till 31.03.2024.
What will happen if KYC is not updated (Method of getting KYC done)
The bank says that the accounts of those who do not get their KYC done by 12th August will become non-operative. It can be understood in this way that their account will be frozen. Then they will not be able to withdraw their money from their account. However, if they want, they can deposit money in their account. But, they will not be able to take loan from that account.
How to get KYC done (Method of getting KYC done)
PNB (Punjab National Bank Latest news) says that he should submit his information like latest identity proof, address proof, latest photo, PAN, income proof, mobile number (if available) or any other KYC details by visiting his branch.
The branch manager will attest it and complete the KYC. If the customer wishes, he can also do this by sending PNB One, Internet Banking Services (IBS), registered email/post. If he wishes, he can also get his KYC done by visiting any other PNB branch near his home in person till 12.08.2024.